2019. 6. 20.

dB(A) - INERTANCE, dB Calculator, dB plus, Add dB, Sound calculator

dB(A) - INERTANCE, dB Calculator, dB plus, Add dB, Sound calculator: INERTANCE shares dB calculator on 1/1 octave band frequency in dB unit as well as dB(A) unit. Add dB (dB plus) can be calculated for total sound calculator.

dB Calculator (add dB, dB(A))

INERTANCE share the sound calculator (dB calculator). This calculator includes 1/1 octave band frequency, noise level summation (Add dB / dB plus), dB(A) (dBA), etc. Client can understand how to use this calculator.

How to use for Sound calculator

Input 1/1 octave band frequency data in Decibel unit (Not A-weighting).

Press ‘Tab’ on keyboard to move next space.

Leave empty space, if some frequency data (ex. 31.5Hz) is not available.

Automatically calculate overall noise level in dB & dB(A) (dBA) units.

Automatically calculate summation of noise levels up to five (5) sources.

See below figure for easy understanding of dB Calculator.

Sound Calculator (dB Calculator)

Theory for dB add (dB plus)

In almost situation, background noise level is always present, and it is necessary to consider the adding noise level by adjacent ambient noise sources. Below figures show how to add the individual level to estimate total noise level. For example, 80 dB plus 80 dB is equal to 83 dB (80 dB + 80 dB = 83 dB).

Add dB (dB plus)

Noise level can be weighted according to a particular weighting curve as shown in below figure. Specially, A-weighting (dB(A), dBA) is used in almost measurement, which relate to the human response to noise. This can be estimated by Sound calculator.

dB(A) Convert

Based on above technical justification, it is possible to estimate the overall noise level from 1/1 octave band frequency data. In addition, Decibel can be calculated in dB(A) (dBA) unit as well as dB unit using below equations, which are very useful to review the noise datasheet.

dB add for Octave band frequency

INERTANCE has a capability regarding noise and vibration engineering, and our experts are familiar with assessment of related design. For further information, please contact us at (mountain@inertance.com).

INERTANCE’s related services include;

Environmental noise

Industrial noise

Noise control design

Noise survey

Noise limit

Acoustic induced vibration

HVAC noise

Unit Conversion

Calculator for Pipe Support Span