2019. 4. 17.

Torsional Analysis INERTANCE - Torsional vibration, Campbell, stress

Torsional Analysis INERTANCE - Torsional vibration, Campbell, stress: Train torsional anlaysis, Torsional vibration, Campbell diagram, train analysis with coupling, Torque response analysis, mode shape, Stress analysis

Torsional Vibration

Train torsional analysis with coupling has been carried out in order to ensure the mechanical reliability in rotating machinery. The analysis results provided by INERTANCE can be used to determine the location which has the torsional vibration by resonance relative to potential excitation. These study include the steady state forced response, campbell diagram, mode shape analysis, stress analysis.
INERTANCE has a capability to perform below kinds of rotordynamics analysis.
  • Undamped anlaysis
  • Damped analysis
  • Steady state forced response analysis
  • Torque response analysis
  • Stress analysis
  • Mode shape
  • Train torsional vibration analysis with coupling
  • Transient analysis
  • S-N curve analysis
  • Modified goodman diagram analysis
  • As per API 610, 617, 618, 684, etc (Any other API standard)
  • Source identification of torsional vibration
  • Displacement, velocity, torque response
  • Campbell diagram
In case of any potential risks occurs, for example critical speeds are interfered within operating range, the stress analysis has to be performed to prevent the torsional fatigue failure. INERTANCE can provide various kinds of rotordynamics analysis as requested in API standards.

Train Analysis with Coupling

Here, INERTANCE can show the various kinds of Vibration analysis as follows;

Campbell diagram analysis

Train rotor assembly including driver is modeled for undamped torsional natural frequency analysis, which predicts if critical speeds are interfered with operating region against various excitation sources.
Campbell Diagram for Torsional Vibration
Campbell Diagram for Torsional Vibration

Forced Response Analysis

Torsional excitation sources have to be considered to perform the steady state torque response analysis. The magnitude of torque & torsional displacement is checked for reliability of each component such as coupling, etc.
Steady State Forced Response Analysis
Steady State Forced Response Analysis

Torsional Analysis (Stress Analysis)

If the undamped analysis has a result of interference between excitation sources and natural frequency under operating region, the torsional stress analysis has to be carried out. INERTANCE provides the stress analysis such as Stress-life method, Strain-life method, Goodman diagram method, etc.

INERTANCE has a capability regarding noise and vibration engineering, and our experts are familiar with assessment of Vibration Analysis. For further information, contact us at (mountain@inertance.com).
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