2019. 10. 13.

Unit conversion - INERTANCE, Unit Converter, Pressure, Temperature

Unit conversion - INERTANCE, Unit Converter, Pressure, Temperature: Unit Conversion calculator by INERTANCE - Pressure, Temperature, Flow rate for engineering works. (Unit Change, Unit Converter)

Unit Conversion

INERTANCE share the unit conversion calculator for smooth engineering work related noise, vibration and pulsation design. This unti converter includes to change unit for pressure, temperature, flow rate. Specially, flow rate can be estimated very easily to volumetric as well as mass flow rate together. Client can understand how to use this calculator.
How to use for Unit converter calculator
  1. Define the process condition to calculate both flow rate unit (mass flow and volumetric flow)
  2. Pressure condition includes pressure (bara), temperature (degC), Compressibility (Z), Gas constant (8.31 kJ/(kg.mol.K)), MW, Specific heat ratio (Cp/Cv).
  3. Input the flow rate, which is available data
  4. Automatically calculate other flow rate unit including mass and volumetric flow together